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Welcome To TSRA Techs . . . 

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Established in 1983, the Technical Service Retirees Association (TSRA) is a group of retired U.S. Government officials who served in the Office of Technical Service, or its predecessor components. The mission of TSRA then was to facilitate networking among, and provide a conduit for information to its members. Today TSRA membership has expanded to include retirees and other former staff officers who have provided at least five years of support to technical operational components within the Intelligence Community.  The mission of TSRA remains the same. Today, over 800 members strong, these colleagues regularly connect, share resources, and learn from one another in meaningful ways.


Membership is open to former staff or detailees who have left Government service and who have served some portion of their career in OTS or other components providing operational technical support.  Yearly dues of $10.00 covers the cost of administrative support.  If you wish to become a member of TSRA, complete the membership form below.


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